A cat with a story


Did you know that science shows that cats make us happy?

I have had many cats in my 59 years of living and I love cats just as much as I love dogs. For the last 6 years I lived together with my wonderful dog Alf until he had to leave in february. He lived to be 11.5 years old and we had a wonderful life together. He was my third labrador and I have had dogs for almost 35 years. I have been certain that I am not getting another dog, but I have kept a small opening for a cat.

Simba showed up in my life for a reason! 

He had been lost for a month after taking a too long walk away from his home.The inspiration for a long walk may have come from the fact that his owner had decided to get a wonderful puppy and this puppy was at the point of Simba's disappearance getting to be a big rottweiler. The two of them didn't get along very well. Simba had up to this mostly spent his days indoors and he wasn't very used to being outside. He must have been locked up somewhere, but nobody knows where he was. Until he suddenly showed up in a garden close to his home.He was very thin, very weak and with his fur in a total mess. 4 days later I heard of him for the first time. 

I felt so sorry for him and my immediate thought was that I had both the time and the opportunity to nurse him this summer as it was difficult for the owner. So we made an agreement and Simba moved in with me a little over a week ago now. 

I am in love! I didn't realize how much I really have missed Alf and having an animal to come home to. For two days he slept on top of me and it was such a wonderful experience that I started thinking of adopting him. He showed me so much affection and had such a calming effect on me. I I was very happy when his owner Elias agreed on letting me adopt him. 


Simba is a Maincoon. Right before he disappeared he was 10 kilos and when he came to me he was 5 kilos and without fur. He looked very thin and fragile and more or less like a turkey with boots and a lion head. But nevertheless, he has a heart and he is wonderful company.

Cats are good for humans!

Cats give stress relief!

Cats are social beings and good company!

The Science-Backed Benefits of Being a Cat Lover

The International Cat Day 2021 is August 8. ...let's remember that one!

Cats have a whole range of ways to talk to you and Simba and I are just getting the hang of it. He communicates with his eyes, ears and tail. He stretches and makes different sounds. He follows me around and he sits on top of me or my newspaper or my laptop. Any cat owner knows what I am talking about. I live on the third floor and the fact that he is used to being inside is one of the reasons why I decided that it was possible to adopt him. I am not sure how he will like me putting on him a harness, but I will start walking him and we will find out. 

So what happened to my new freedom? The freedom of a life without a pet! My life is such a blessing. I live in a wonderful place, I have friends and colleagues and lots of things to do but the feeling of a warm furbody and eye connection is just too valuable to me. Three months without was enough. I am a social being! I am now a cat lady!!

Simba will for sure be an adventure and with a passport he will travel with me to France….where I planned to take Alf when the pandemic stopped us. New world, new partner, here we come!!



Ripples on the water


Yellow is the happiest color!