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Happiness is contagious!

It's late fall 2021! 

No matter where you are in the world your life is probably not like you planned for at Christmas 2019. Spending time with loved ones was a right you never even considered could be taken away from you. And only a year later, in 2020 that is exactly what happened. Many people are looking for who to blame and this will make Christmas 2021 a holiday we will look back on and say.. What happened? How did we get here?

In all human history we have picked up stuff from others. And disease is only one of the things that can be contagious. To be afraid of other people because they have something that you can catch is most likely built into our systems to protect us from dying. Dying is the last thing we want. In the middle of a pandemic I thought I would remind you of all the things you can catch from others that will make your living better. We all have 24 hours every day and we can spend them in fear or we can spend them without fear. Fear is not a good place to be. 

So let me remind you of some things that are highly contagious that you should try to catch from people you meet!

A smile! It is so simple it is almost stupid. And did you know it is just as easy to spread it as it is to catch it? Smiling to strangers is a win-win situation and for this reason it is important to not wear a mask. Masks are removing all the smiles. We need to see each other's faces! Masking up a whole world is a crime and it leads to fear and unhappiness. We are meant to see each other's faces and catch the good feeling a smile brings!  

Laughter is highly contagious! So is hate and distrust. The flu has been a thing we always knew we could get from other people and we still went outside and was sosial all these winters before 2020. We have always had deadly diseases around us without concentrating on them and living in fear. So what happened? Actually FEAR happened! We all got infected by fear. Fear is highly contagious and it can disturb every aspect of our daily life. It is easy to spread and it floats around in society and leads to depression and anxiety. It can be paralyzing and it can make you forget what happiness feels like all together. 

Compassion and love is the antidote. Nobody wants to live in fear and everybody has the possibility to make a choice not to. There are so many things you can do to turn up the volume of care and turn down the volume of hate, you just have to be aware of it. 

So join me in spreading smiles and happiness! Stop watching the news, you can not do anything about the daily news. Stop wearing a mask, it is not good for you! Stop looking for someone to blame, the solution is in you! Stop telling people what to do and how to be, lead by example instead and let every one make their own choices from where they are. 

No one wishes to bring sickness or harm to their loved ones, that is obvious. So be nice, be kind, be compassionate and bring light to those around you. We will all make a big difference if we decide to be spreaders of happiness. Stay free!