I am going into stealth mode!


I have had the urge to stay of sosial media but I have not been able to. I know for sure that I spend way too much time on my phone. I did see The Social Dilemma and if you havent I recommend you do. Once I was off Facebook for 24 hours and I remember the feeling all too well. This time I will stay off for 30 hours and even more if I am able to let go and relax.

Why is this so hard? To me I have a lot of good reasons to go on social media every single day. I find happiness and comfort there. I spread happiness and colors there. I try to be a good role model for my followers. I get inspired. I have my shop there and do marketing for all the nice stuff we sell. I stay connected to friends and customers. I entertain myself. I educate myself and I even get new friends from all over the world  thru this wonderful teknologi! 

BUT! There is a big but!! I also get paralyced by it. I can sit still for hours and let them pas almost without noticing. I feel it in my fingers and neck when I have spent too much time just scrolling and it makes me feel bad and miserable and I feel disappointed in myself for not being able to pull myself up from the chair and do something nice like taking a walk or making jewellery or calling a friend. 

So what to do? I know that baby steps are super steps to take in situations like this and that is what I plan to do. I will deny myself sosial media for 30 hours and if I feel ok I will stretch it to 48 hours. I am going easy on myself but still very clear and determined. And I am sharing it on my blog and on social media for a couple of reasons. I am curious how you feel about this topic.Have you tried a social media detox?  I need your support!! I feel like you knowing why I am quiet makes it easier for me to do this…. 

So let's do this!! Friday 15.th of October at 12.00 I go into stealth mode. Looking forward to sharing my experience with you after. Lots of love. 




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