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Is it possible to turn Ghosting into something positive and be happy again?

I had no idea that it hurt so much and that I could have so many feelings running through system at the same time!

Ghosting defined by Wikipedia: Ghosting is a colloquial term which describes the practice of ending all communication and contact with a partner, friend, or similar individual without any apparent warning or justification and subsequently ignoring any attempts to reach out or communication made by said person.[1][2] The term originated in the early 2000s. In the following decade, media reported a rise in ghosting, which has been attributed to the increasing use of social media and online dating apps.

I was recently ghosted! 

It totally interfered with my feeling of happiness, and I had to seriously guide myself to see something positive in the situation!

First I didn't understand what was happening...I was sure everything was ok and I was totally puzzled when he just stopped texting. He did not show up for our date as planned and I started to worry. When he didn't reply on either phone or messages the worrying got worse. We had been talking on the phone almost every day for about two months and had made plans for the weekend and I thought both of us were looking forward to that. 

I started researching myself to find out if I had done something wrong, stupid og out of line. I kept checking the phone and was for a couple of days kind of paralyzed because all plans were based on us being together. Here I was sitting alone looking at the last smiley-emoji from him on messenger in total silence! Nothing!! Not a “yes” or a “no” on my simple question: “are you coming or not?” Nothing! Absolutely nothing!

If you have experienced this you know what it is like, and if you havent you might find value in my technice to make my hurt feelings last as short as possible and get on with life. After all I am 59 years old, I don't have time to sit and feel sorry for myself.

I managed to get in contact with a friend of his who told me that he recently spoke with him and that he was OK. This gave me proof that he was alive and not in hospital. What to do next?

I decided that this is not a way I accept to be treated and simply blocked him on all contakt-platforms except email. If he wants to give me an explanation he has the opportunity! BUT I will not be staring at my phone all day waiting for it to happen. I work on my phone and it is getting my attention all day long, waiting for someone to respond drains the energy and is not good. 

To not know, to not be given a reason and no answers, gives you the total opposite of happiness! It makes you restless, sorry and sad, it makes you doubt yourself and feel stupid. And to stay in that feeling too long is of course very unhealthy. 

Did I block him too fast? I should have waited for an explanation?Well I think it could have taken forever, and I don't have forever! I am not looking for a partner who treats me like that and if he should decide to send me an email I will definitely not respond! This is his loss and not mine! My job is not to fix him. My job is to take care of me. 

There are so many ways to communicate and ghosting is the last one you want to use. For sure the person that ghosts you have issues and for sure they probably feel inadequate and small. But seriously it is an inside job that can only be done by them. 

Life goes on and with good communication and healthy dialog we can help each other!

Being a sad happy guide is not an alternative for me. Taking control and making decisions brings back the happy feeling! 

Have you ever been Ghosted?