The effect of posting icebaths on social media!

It is spring in Norway and the ocean is warming up after a long cold winter. 

After my morning routine I went on Instagram and the first post was a post from @jaktenpåhelsa with a duck in the front.. and a man swimming in the background! 

So what did that do to me? I decided to go for a swim! I was inspired!

Social media can give you a lot of different feelings. We all know that Instagram is a place where it is easy to compare your own life with “the rest of the world” and forget that we are all human beings..sharing little glimpses often with filters. Instagram is for inspiration, learning and entertainment!! It is not real life! It's a place to connect to your tribe and to find things that motivates you. 

That is why it is crucial to follow the right accounts for you! If you feel down when you see a post please unfollow that account! It is not for you. It is for someone else. 

Make sure to follow people that make you feel happy. We are meant to feel happy and we actually have a choice every day as to where we allow our feelings to flow!

“Feel the light, be the light, share the light!” @sistercody 

So to all you happy icebath and coldshower fans out there..make sure you follow your tribe and keep posting what makes you happy. It is the best way to bring more happiness to the world!

Tips on some happy accounts to follow:

Lifeisnow  // Vinterbading // Betti // Wimhof // hoppiranfjorden // kaldebad // kallbad // Jaktenpåhelsa // Justøypigene // Heidi // Covidicebath // Solsiden

Do you follow someone that makes you happy? 

Please share them with me!


Yellow is the happiest color!


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