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Yellow is the happiest color!

I love almost all colors and use them every day to bring more happiness. I have my favorites of course and out of curiosity I googled the two words HAPPY and COLOR together. That is how I found out that yellow is the happiest one. 

The sun is yellow! Sunlight is the source of all life and it has emens effect on our mood and wellbeing. Yellow stands out from other colors and is often associated with positive memories. So this is a color that has a moodlifting effect and stands as a force for good color! In Norway we dress more in this color in the summertime than in the wintertime.

We can use colors consciously in our home to make it a good place to live and we can use colors concisely when we dress to affect our mood. 

Blue is known as a very calming color and in times of stress it is a good choice. The ocean and the sky is blue and it is definitely my favorite of all. I happen to have blue eyes and when I dress in shades of blue it makes me feel very good. Fun fact about blue is that it is the color most preferred by men. People are productive in blue rooms and it is also used by many artists to describe a feeling! This is my favorit blue song: Still got the blues for you

How does green make you feel? Designers often use green in hotels, restaurants and public places because this color that is found in nature may help put us at ease in new places. And that makes perfect sense to me, because nothing beats a walk in nature. Being surrounded by all shades of green is wonderful and I highly recommend you do your best to get a dosage every day!

If you wear red lipstick people supposedly listen more closely to what you have to say! I got that one from Adrianna! Red is energy, red flag, stop signs, love and blood! Red is the color that is most visible of them all, and the last color you choose in your bedroom if you want good sleep. If you go to a party in a red dress you are brave and show your confidence. The safest dress is the black one that allows you to blend in and not stand out. 

So every time you put something on you have the possibility to affect your own feelings and you set a direction on what you want. If you make other people smile and comment on your looks you made a good choice on colors. 

This can be learnt. There are a lot of studies and many good websites and videos but first and foremost you can give it a try in your own mirror and notice the difference when you put on different things. What makes you feel happy? What makes you feel brave? What makes you feel depressed? Every day you have a choice to show up for yourself as the most happy you! If you need inspiration look at Hild !!