A good morning routine makes me happy!


Why is morning routines such a big deal?

Either you run the day or the day runs you… which one would you prefer? 

It is important to be aware that we are all different, and we need to design our own unique way to start the day. That is why you need to be curious about what other people do and try many different ways before you end up with yours. There is no one size fits all in this area!

Some people meditate, some don't, some work out, some don't, some journal, some don't!

The whole idea is to be mindful and set an intention for the day that puts YOU in the driver's seat with full control and not in the backseat with no control at all!

When you wake up to a new day you have the opportunity to be really close to yourself, your dreams and your plans, before the day turns into an endless row of disruptions, emergencies and things that are out of your control. Putting yourself first in those precious minutes in the morning makes a big difference!

I have tried a lot of different ways to start my day. And I think it is important to be open to change the routine when something changes in your life. 

I have had dogs for a total of 33 years and so I have been going for morning walks every day, no exception. After my latest dog Alf passed away I went for evening walks, but it is no longer a part of my morning routine to walk for half an hour. I am sure I will miss it, but I let myself off the hook as for now. You are supposed to do things that make you happy!

So let me tell you what I do!

I get up at 6, sometimes 5 and sometimes 7, but mostly 6!

I wash my face and put on some nice oil, and while putting it on I look into my own eyes in the mirror and feel grateful and full of love.I smile and say something nice to my reflection!

Like you rock, you are something else or you are beautiful Trine!

In the living room I light candles and a stick of incense and I put on some really calming music. I have heard Sunny mornings by Peder B Helland since 2018. It puts me in a wonderful state. 

I drink a glass of water and make myself a cup of black coffee. Then I sit down to journal. 

My favorite journal is The 5 second Journal from Mel Robbins! I use 5-15 minutes and I use a crosswordpen when I write because that is genial and makes it possible to erase stuff instead of crossing over. I like my journal neat and clean. 

Then I drink one more glass of water and I meditate. I have tried many different ways, just sitting still, using an app and taking a course. For the moment Isha Kriya by Sadhguru is my go to spiritual process for every day practice. Breath, thought and awareness.  It takes under 20 minutes and I feel wonderful after. 

THEN I open my phone! I have a strict rule not to open it first thing in the morning, that is the best way to go right off track. 

Some days I go ice bathing instead of meditation. That is also part of my morning routine. I love sunrises and it is a special feeling to emerge into cold water while the sun is rising. 

My routine in the morning takes from 1-1,5 hours and I am sure that it sets me off to handle the day in the best way possible. I want to do yoga, taichi or stretching..but it has not been a priority. So as a comfort to you if you have no routine yet, start small!  But do something! It will make a big difference in the future <3


Cold shower is good for your happiness!


Trines checklist for happy ice bathing