Trines checklist for happy ice bathing


  1. mindset

  2. wool

  3. socks

  4. towel

  5. something to stand on 

  6. varm drink

  7. good friends

  8. icehole or cold water

  9. breath

1. MINDSET - if you want to take a swim or bath in cold water you need to decide to do it. Winter bathing is not the same as summer bathing. Your mind will try to convince you that it is dangerous and you will easily overthink the whole thing.  So I decide the day before and I often make a plan involving one or more friends...that way I am sure to actually do it.


2. WOOL - I recommend wool pants and sweaters. Preferably several layers, depending on how cold it is and if there is a lot of wind. 100% merino wool or Cashmere if you prefer, will give you the best feeling after the body has been in the cold water.

3. SOCKS - neoprene socks are the best way to ensure a relaxing ice bath...because if your feet get very cold and you cannot feel them it takes away the focus and mindfulness of the bath. Beanie and gloves or mittens are also a way of keeping the loss of temperature down. And it makes you enjoy staying in longer. 

4. TOWLE - I prefer a cotton towel or a hammam towel as it just soaks up the water from the body and you don't have to rub. After an ice bath your skin is red and num and rubbing is not a good idea. Wrap it around you and start getting dressed. I always start on the top and put my wool socks and boots on last. 

5, WOOLSTAND - to ensure that you keep your feet as warm as possible bring something to stand on. Anything made from wool is very good. And then you use it to sit on after..when you drink your varm drink and enjoy the wonderful feeling.

6. WARM DRINK - you want to get your temperature up and that will happen with movement and something warm to drink. I often shake my body and jump up and down a couple of times to help the blood flow. And I bring a thermos with tea and honey. 

7. FRIENDS - Do not do this alone if it is your first time!! It is important to know that if you have no experience and you react by holding your breath, you can actually faint and fall. You don't want to fall over in the water! So after you know how you react and behave it is safer to do it by yourself, but in low temperatures go together with others just to be sure.

8. ICEHOLES and cold water - you don't find it everywhere… and you can't buy an icehole! If you have a tub you can fill it up with cold water and put ice cubes in it. If you only have a shower you can take a cold shower, but this is not the same as emerging in water.

9. BREATH - last but not least be aware of your breath the whole time. Mindset and breath go hand in hand and it is by taking good deep long breaths you really make it possible to enjoy the feeling and let the benefits serve you. I personally prefer to walk in from a beach and then swim 10-15 strokes, as I feel so wonderfully grounded by having my feet connected to the earth. It makes it easier to focus on the breath and I don’t put my hands in when it is very cold. This way I can stay in longer and be even more mindful and happy.


A good morning routine makes me happy!


How a scared girl ended up as an icebather!