FREEDOM means everything to me!

I have decided to fight for my FREEDOM and by doing so I need to share with you where I stand in these challenging times. 

I share a lot on social media and I am a person you might feel you know if you follow my story and enjoy my posts. I am looking for happiness in every corner of my life and I feel an obligation to spread it to everyone that wants it and needs it. 

I am 59 years old and I have taken many vaccines in my life including several flu vaccines to prevent myself from being sick as I have always run my own small business and needed to be able to work. I even lined up for my vaccine in 2009 when the swine flu scared us in somewhat the same way as we are being afraid today. There were no lockdowns during that pandemic and the world sort of went back to normal after a while although I was glad that I was not one of the many who got side-effects. We are now in 2021 and the way this pandemic is handled is totally different!

Let me dwell on the word freedom. I want to be free! I want to be able to say what I mean, to do what I like, to love who I want, to travel where I feel the need to travel and to be a responsible human being who knows that the risk of living is dying! 

Right now this freedom is under attack. In these times we are pressured and sensored and threatened. There is something going on that feels off and very hard to believe. The pressure on the human psyche is enormes and most people just want their old life back. The old life will never come back and if we look closely it was probably not the best life anyway and it was for sure not sustainable. So many of us, myself included, have felt it for a while...we cannot keep up the speed in this direction forever. We need to slow down. 

Lock downs have made us slow down big time! Most of us had to make a lot of changes and I know that there were negative sides to this BUT there were also a lot of positive effects. 

Then we all realized that this is going to take a while… and I stopped watching the news! It was totally clear to me what the news did to my mind and to my body! So I found information, meaning, facts and comfort in other places than on national news. And it has made me realise that I have to speak up and let you know where I stand! Because I feel so happy every time I find other people who are awake and see the world as I do. We need to speak up and be seen no matter how uncomfortable it is, so that we can find each other and make a difference.

The risk of losing customers, jobs, friends and even family is keeping us quiet. We have to take this risk! It is very important. It is not to bring more division, it is to bring hope. 

I respect other people's choices in this pandemic and I want to be respected for my decision to not take the vaccine I am offered at this time. I am more afraid of the vaccine than I am of the disease. And the fact that my freedom is taken away from me makes me very angry. If we let this pass we will for sure lose and the world will not be a nice place to live. What is going on right now has very little to do with health and very much to do with control!

So I have made up my mind to be brave! I know of so many youtube channels and instagram accounts that have been censored and removed. If this doesn't bother you, think again… do we want freedom of speech? I do! ..and I am ready to stand strong and fight for it! 

So if this resonates with you it makes me happy and if this makes you angry it makes me worried. But you have the right to your own opinions. 

I will list some of the podcasts and channels I have found to be good sources of information and if you want to share some of those you have found with me I would appreciate it a lot. 

Love is the answer. Take care.  Trine<3


What is a Happy bracelet?


My new logo is good old Happy