My new logo is good old Happy


Wilhelmines universe has a logo with a story!

This dancing man started as a piece of jewellery, a pendant handmade by Trine Wilhelmine Rønnevig several years ago.

Trine is of course me, and I have made jewellery since I finished my education as a goldsmith in 1985. Jewellerymaking has been my main source of income up until I started my wonderful Harald Fjeldal Kunstkolonial in 2014. For some years I managed to handle both jobs, running a boutique and making jewellery. But in 2018 I decided that doing both was too much. I scaled down on the jewellery. 

Today the store is an online store and the jewellery is a small part of it. I design only a little bit and that is how it is. BUT Happy returned to me from Spain when my dear friend Elin decided to move back home to Norway because of covid. She had a sallong in Alfaz Del Pi where I once had an exhibition. 

So when she said to me: Here is something you left in Spain, Trine! I was so surprised to see that it was Happy! A small pendant I had given this name many years ago. 

So when covid sort of made me into a Happyguide and I started this page I turned to Ingeborg Rosenberg who has helped me with several logos and knows how my mind works. 

Why make it complicated?

As a logo he is black or golden and as a pendant he is in silver. It is possible to purchase him in Kunstkolonialen. Right now for Norwegians only, but we are launching HappyGoColors in september for people in USA, Canada and Australia. 

So there you have it… the story behind a simple happy logo. 

My wish is that your day is full of happiness!


FREEDOM means everything to me!


Happy in my own company!