Happy in my own company!


The one person that you really need a good relationship with is yourself!

I have done some work in this area the last couple of years and it is starting to give good results! I don't feel as lonely as I did before and that is wonderful.

My love for sunrises has always been there and after losing my dog Alf I have struggled to go to our favorite places alone. I have felt the loss of him so strongly and it has felt lonely going there all by myself. However… life goes on and this morning's sunrise and swim reminded me to keep doing the things I love...only alone. I will get used to going for walks without a dog and I can even borrow a dog if I want to.


After a refreshing swim in the ocean I sat for a while looking at the sun rising and thinking about HAPPINESS. This thought came into my head: “Should I feel bad for feeling so happy when so many people struggle?”

I am happy! Most of the time I smile and I look for the feelings that bring joy and happiness. When things don't go my way I always think the best and expect the end result to be good. I never yell and scream and I don't pick a fight to blow off steam. I am friendly in a conscious way and I try to spread as much love as possible. 

So why should this make me sit with a bad feeling and wonder if I should dim my light to adjust to others who maybe don't shine as bright? I asked a friend and this is his answer:

“It is good for others that you are happy! Me included! You have had your share of events to handle and managed to harvest and learn from them without carrying the burden of them with you and ponder about it on a daily basis. Congratulations, you seem very free!”


So glad I remembered that it is wise to ask if Iwonder!! I want to bring happiness and love to others! I feel love when I connect with people and maybe brighten their day a little bit. This is one of the wonderful things that social media has brought us. We can look for good role models and happy people and we can decide to be one ourselves and share it with the world!! 

When my inner voice asks me who am I to shine so bright? I will remember that I do it for me, but it also gives something to others. There is too much trouble out there in the world and we are not meant to carry all the worries. In my own space I save good moments and good feelings. I do my morning routine and share my swimming, I have fun at work and “do my thing” on Instagram! I don't watch the news and I am not afraid. The sun rose this morning as it will tomorrow and as it has every morning for a long time. I am so grateful for the sun and it fills me with warmth and love!

Smile and shine the best you can!! It means a lot to those around you!



My new logo is good old Happy


My 7 favorite voices to go to when I feel lost!