Why make it complicated?

I claim that happiness is a choice and that we all have the possibility to make the day a little bit happier for ourselves and others! 

But believe it or not...even though I know it to be true there is this voice in my head that tells me to think twice. It cannot be that easy! My message to the world is too simple! Everything has been said before by people that know so much more than me. Who am I to go online with this message? Who do I think I am…. Do you know what I mean? Have you ever experienced self doubt?

I have a voice, you have a voice and we count for those around us. A voice you like listening to is valuable and very accessible with the technology of today. Information that we have heard several times before and never really paid attention to, suddenly becomes obvious by that one voice that says it in that one way!! This is how it always is, there is just too much information out there. 

I had the privilege to connect with a lot of wonderful people in the spring of 2021 thru a self development group on Facebook. Through these people I have gained a lot of insight and I have realized that my voice is valuable. I have to stop making excuses and keep speaking my simple truth and wisdom in my own way, without comparing myself to others!

Stephanie McCann is one of these beautiful people and she describes herself as a people person, a problem solver and a nature and animal lover! In addition to that Steph is full of wonderful humor and is very easy to have a conversation with. Covid changed her life as a flight attendant and our paths crossed online and ended up in an interview for crewradio.com that I enjoyed very much.It made me want to let you know where to find her. From survive to THRIVE

We talked about ice baths and happy guiding, getting older and taking responsibility for your own life and happiness. I got a wonderful reminder that it is ok to keep it simple. Fancy words do not make it more true, they just make it more complicated to grasp.

So let's be a voice for those around us! In a time where there are way too many to listen to, I need you and maybe you need me!





My 7 favorite voices to go to when I feel lost!


Where focus goes ENERGY flows