Where focus goes ENERGY flows


I recently attended Unleash the Power Within Virtual, where the impossible becomes possible! Sitting, standing and jumping in my own living room. Alone but together with 18.000 people from 129 countries for 4 days, more than 50 hours straight! An incredible experience that had me taking notes, crying and making radical changes in my belief system.

If you have attended one or several UPWs or if you know how Tony Robbins shares his wisdom you know how I feel. I highly recommend you to take part in what he does. Tony Robbins is on a mission and if you are open to what he passionately wants to tell you, like I am, you will benefit greatly. . 

I have done challenges with Tony and I have been in a stadium with him on stage and felt his energy. He has so much energy that it blows your mind. Energy is power. Energy is a habit and you can learn how to pump up your own energy and get a much happier life.

When you are in a low energy state you suffer. When you suffer you have nothing good to bring to the table and I agree when Tony says Life is too short to suffer! But not everyone realizes that you are the only person that has the power to change YOU. It is so common to look around and point at everything outside of us and blame it on them. It is totally possible to change the state to a beautiful one full of energy and clarity. This is what we learn in these events and for some of us we never get tired of learning and we grow every time.

Here are 3 things I would like to share. 

Emotion is created by motion!

You might not think about this but how you feel right now is related to how you are using your body. AND this includes what expression you have on your face as well! Standing up, moving, smiling and shaking is the easiest way to feel better if you are a bit low. Some of us are working on this and making it a habit, others haven't heard it in a way that made them understand...so they keep their old patterns and ways of behavior and are frustrated that everything is a struggle. I guess we must accept that for life to change you have to change. I smile when I open my eyes in the morning! Before I get out of bed I jog those facial muscles and reoite when I reach the mirror in the bathroom. I look so much younger and prettier when I smile and it makes me feel Happy!

Fear stops us!

Fear can destroy our psychology and immobilize us from taking action. All of us experience fear at some point in life. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure. fear of rejection. Fear of being alone, fear of love, fear of success, fear of what people will think and fear of what people will think. The list goes on and on. And this fear can stop us from living our lives to the fullest and doing what we want. To beat this fear you have to recognize it and understand why it is there. We all just want to be loved!! In UPW we did a powerful exercise to discover these fears and understand them. My biggest fear is not to be good enough! I always feel that everyone else is so much better than me. I have felt this since before first grade and it keeps showing up. But in fact I am good enough! I am the only Trine out there and I do things my way! Comparison never makes us happy. Self Love does!

Breathwork is energy!

If we dont breathe we shut down!  The oxygen which is taken in by the body from the atmosphere around us , is picked up by the hemoglobin in the blood and distributed to all the bodys trillions of cells where it is used to fuel the cells and release energy. If we learn how to breathe properly it will give us a better and happier life. At UPW we learnt Power Breathing but there are of course many different ways. The Iceman Wim Hof also showed us a powerful technique and I believe that just focusing on taking deep breaths will change your state. 

I have many pages of notes and will share more in another post. People are drowning in information but starving for wisdom! Take care and search for good wisdom everyday!


Why make it complicated?


Where is the ice in the summer?