Wilhelmines universe

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A couple of things happened before this. I listened to Mel Robbins saying “no one is coming to save you” , I had a talk with Natalie Speakman on detoxing from sosial media and I felt it was time to take a couple of days off! 

Natalie gave me super advice, she said YOU MAKE YOUR  RULES!

So I did!

I drove to Hesthagen, a close to six hour drive and logged off! And as the shift of environment was so big and there is poor internet connection at Hesthagen it was much easier than I thought. I really didn't suffer much and stayed off Instagram and Facebook for 48 hours and YouTube for 5 days! I have to tell you I have NEVER for as long as I have been on social media been off on purpose this long. 

I found myself reaching for the phone a lot. It is a habit to use it for so many things. I had planned to read instead but I found out I have become a slow reader so I didn't get through as much as I wanted. What I did a lot of was putting logs on the fire and just sitting there, gazing and meditating and listening to the total quietness. 

I spent about 60 hours keeping a fire going and that was the one thing that I really missed after coming back home. 

Apart from sitting on my hands and staring into the flames I did some very nice meditation. I have found an app called Simply Awake that makes a lot of sense to me. When it comes to meditation I keep wondering if I am doing it right, and this app makes it so easy to just do!

I recommend it no matter what you do to meditate, I think it can make sense to anybody. Being able to sit and do nothing is not as easy as you would think actually, try for half an hour and let me know how it is for you. 

The homestead Hesthagen was built in the early 1800 and is today protected, which means there are strict rules as to what you are allowed to fix and how to repair and it is not allowed to be modernised at all. It is like going “back to the future” in a wonderful way. It gives a magical feeling to it and I am so grateful that I can use it as much as I feel like, as it is my mothers place. I slept like a rock and felt very much at ease these days even though I was alone.(This was my first trip like this without a dog by my side.) I guess that means that I enjoyed my own company, which is a good indicator. 

Going swimming in Mjøsa with my friend Mette was also a fantastic experience. Mjøsa is the largest and deepest lake in Norway. I have had big issues swimming in deep waters before, but after several seasons with ice bathing I feel much more confident and on top of the relaxed feeling we had just wonderful weather with no wind and sun from a clear sky! The air temperature was 6 degrees celsius, and I think it was 9 or 10 in the lake. I didn't really notice a difference from the ocean, but of course the salt was not there. 

I even had a night in the treetops at Tretopphytter.no and felt so close to nature that it was amazing. Four squirrels and a lot of birds were so close I could almost touch them and the absence of noise almost rang in my ears. No electricity, no internet, only candlelight and a fire. No shower and no tap water. Totally primitive and totally fine. I just loved it and I am ready to do it again anytime. Next time I will spend two nights for sure...and bring a power bank! Because I want to take a lot more photos.

So how does it work with these rules? 

What does it mean that I make my rules? 

To me it means a lot! It actually means that I take hold of the steering wheel and take control. Control over me and my habits, over myself and what I allow myself to do. I am hooked on social media, I knew that already. I have my work on the phone, my customers, my clients, my family and friends, just like a lot of us. To make my own rules means that I set some boundaries and limitations that are good for my mental health. I don't have a TV, but what good is that if I spend hours on my phone and watch stuff on Youtube every night? 

I NEED rules!

What was wonderful with this break was that I felt so close to nature. I felt grounded even 8 meters up. I felt the silence and I noticed my thoughts. I discovered a lot of self talk and how easily I distract myself. I was conscious and calm in a good way and I have to do this again soon. 

No one is going to tell me to do it! I have to take care of me <3