Wilhelmines universe

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My 7 favorite voices to go to when I feel lost!

We live in a time where any information is right in our hands all the time. It can easily lead to overload and I often get lost in all of it! 

I made the decision to live without a television several years ago and I stopped watching the news in 2019. I believe in finding your own truth in voices that make sense to you and collecting the wisdom from people who share meaning and information that makes me wiser and stronger, smarter and happier!

The first one I want to mention is Mel Robbins! 

She came into my life through the book “The 5 second Rule” and this magic rule changed my productivity at work, it made me start doing things I thought I didn't dare and I started to implement her ideas and techniques into my life. I love to listen to her down to earth advice and meeting her in person is on my bucket list!!

Sadhguru turned up in an interview!

He made me smile and I started to listen to his wisdom and wonderful advice. He has a fantastic way of expressing himself and has attended Inner Engineering twice and uses his app for meditation and inspiration. I have his latest book Karma sitting on my desk waiting to be read! This man is so humble and has such a wonderful way about him. On my list of things to do is a visit to Isha Yoga Center in India!

I didn't know much about Russell Brand!

But I was so amazed with his vocabulation and his intellect that I started following him on youtube. He has humor and wisdom combined and he seems to never run out of stuff to look into. I love his approach to difficult matters and I am also happy for his guided meditations. 

Jordan Peterson is a name that showed up in several places!

He is one of the most recent voices that I lean into and his interview on his podcast is time well spent. I have always been a fan og 15 min videos, but with Jordan Peterson I listen for a couple of hours with pleasure. According to him his audience is 60% menn and I can see why, but I hope even more women discover his unique and easy way of speaking wisdom!

When it comes to making a difference in the world I need to mention Tony Robbins!

I go to him when I need to learn and be inspired. His story is powerful and he is in fact all about energy and power. The movie “I am not your guru” is a place to start if you have never heard of him. I have had learnt so much from this man and in fact the idea of Wilhelmines Universe came out of my membership in one of his amazing groups! A group where there's so much love and so much cheering on that you can't help feeling happy!!

Jim Rohn has been a part of my life for over seven years!

His wonderful way of sharing wisdom has fascinated me since the first time I ever listened to him. I bought Foundations of Success, one of my first online courses and listened to it twice!! 

Even though he passed away in 2009 he is well worth listening to! Best quote: 

“If you don't like where you are...MOVE! you are not a tree!”

In my search for a good and happy life I also listen to Esther Perel, Brene Brown, Ester Hicks, Marianne Williamson, Eckhart Tolle, Angelo DiLullo, Dr. Berg, John Grey, Simon Sinek, Seth GodinAlan Watts , Dr.Sam Bailey and for relaxation I often listen to Relaxing Music!

This is only a few! I use YouTube a lot and would love to hear about your favorites so please share them in the comments below.