Happy in my own company!
The one person that you really need a good relationship with is yourself!

My 7 favorite voices to go to when I feel lost!
We live in a time where any information is right in our hands all the time. It can easily lead to overload and I often get lost in all of it!

Why make it complicated?
So let's be a voice for those around us! In a time where there are way too many to listen to, I need you and maybe you need me!

Where focus goes ENERGY flows
Fear stops us! Fear can destroy our psychology and immobilize us from taking action. All of us experience fear at some point in life. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure. fear of rejection. Fear of being alone, fear of love, fear of success, fear of what people will think and fear of what people will think. The list goes on and on. And this fear can stop us from living our lives to the fullest and doing what we want. To beat this fear you have to recognize it and understand why it is there.

Ripples on the water
This is a reminder of how it is possible to use social media in a positive way.

Yellow is the happiest color!
We can use colors consciously in our home to make it a good place to live and we can use colors concisely when we dress to affect our mood.

The effect of posting icebaths on social media!
Do you follow someone that makes you happy?
Please share them with me!

Is it possible to turn Ghosting into something positive and be happy again?
I had no idea that it hurt so much and that I could have so many feelings running through my system at the same time!

How a scared girl ended up as an Icebather!
My name is Trine and I was born in Norway in the winter of 1962.
Aquarius is my sign and water is my favorite element.
I was the first child and my mom made all my clothes up till I started school. I loved to wear the dresses that she designed. If my parents couldn't find me they just had to look in the garden. I was sitting between the flowers and feeling in touch with nature. Preferably with a kitten in my lap.
I was a scared child. I would imagine all sorts of bad things happening and I got sick to my stomach from my thinking. I took years to realize that most days were good and that my imagination was not serving me at all.
At 17 I got totally fixed on America! Two years later I went on a big adventure to the United States. I met wonderful people, gained 10 kilos and came home after one year, feeling so strong and brave that I felt nothing could ever stop me.
I decided to become a goldsmith because I love to work with my hands and make nice things. No one in my family had ever gone in that direction, my family owned a soda factory. But I felt drawn to being creative and making wonderful jewellery.
After 3 years in school in Oslo I graduated as a goldsmith. There was no work for me in Lillesand so I started my own workshop. And from that day I was an entrepreneur. I have never been working for anyone else than myself.
Fast forward 30 years I had a lot of success with my brand Wilhelmine Smykker but I started to feel like doing more. I wanted to reach out and help people in different ways.
I moved my workshop from a safe location on the second floor in Strandgata 10 in Lillesand, to a wonderful location right on the street and on the dock in Strandgata 16 in the same town.
I made my own «retail-theatre», a word I picked up at a meeting several years earlier. I also decided to make «magic moments» the theme. And that's what Harald Fjeldal Kunstkolonial was all about from 2014 to 2020.
Back to the question why Ice Bathing?
The boutique was only two meters from the ocean. Sometimes I would see ladies go bathing in the freezing winter ocean…even in an icehole they made with an axe! This was intriguing and I was convinced I would die if I did it.
More and more people started ice bathing and I was cheering for my friends, when suddenly I was invited to join! A snowy Christmasday in 2017 with ice slush at the beach I realized I couldn't say no. I still remember the feeling of going in and actually surviving, it was mind blowing! Since then I have been practicing Ice Bathing more or less once a week from October till May.
I never counted but I would guess I have been in the ocean between 150 and 200 times. I have several groups I enjoy this hobby together with and sometimes I even go in alone, just in the company of my dog. I love to practice cold-dips at sunrise! It brings an extra dimension to it. Being in the cold water and seeing the sun rise is the perfect way to start a new day!